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Our Team

Sabrina Godeski

Business Development & Tourism

Looking to open or move your business to Norwalk or interested in any state programs or incentives? Sabrina is the contact for you! She can assist you in finding space, funding, and walk you through the permitting & licensing process with ease.

Alex Cross

Business Development Manager

Need funding for your current business or are you and entrepreneur looking for start-up capital? Alex is your guy!

Anna Breault

Special Events Coordinator

Have an event idea or want to sponsor or vend at a Norwalk event? Anna is your go-to! She’s here to help bring community-driven ideas to life and connect businesses with exciting opportunities to engage.

Bryan Baker

Planning & Zoning

If you have questions about your zoning permit or if your use is allowed in a location you’re interested in, Bryan is here to help!

Bill Ireland

Building & Code Enforcement

Need an inspection or need to start the tenant fit-up process to get you up and running? Bill is our Chief Building Official and is here to help!

Shaun Duffy

Health Department

Does your business require inspections by the Health Department? Reach out to Shaun Duffy to schedule.

Broderick Sawyer

Fire Marshal

All businesses need a Fire Marshal review. The Marshal sets up appointments on a daily basis. You can reach out to him directly to schedule.

Stephen Ivan

Redevelopment Agency

If you are in a redevelopment area (South Norwalk, Wall Street, or West Avenue) you will need design or sign review for any property your business hosts operations in. Design review is only required for renovations. Sign review is required for all signage. Stephen will be able to walk you through and facilitate the process.